Sony bowed out of the robot business because they knew they they were up against a formidable competitior.
Ugobe describes themselves:
"We develop and market revolutionary robotic technology that transforms inanimate objects into lifelike creatures exhibiting stunning, organic movement and behaviors. Like Pixar, we blur technology into reality."

"UGOBE is developing a line of revolutionary robotic creatures and companions that exhibit stunning lifelike personalities, sound and responses that will inspire and entertain the child in all of us. "
I do not know who has seen an actual product from this group yet. (But then, I don't hang in the Silicon Valley venture capital circles.)
However, they are scheduled to show their amazing inventions at the that-might-just-work festival,
DEMO 06, next week in Phoenix.
They definately have the entrepreneur power to attract the money:
"UGOBE is the latest endeavor for polymath toy inventor, Caleb Chung, one of the most successful and respected toy creators in the $25 billion US toy industry.
Caleb is renowned in both toy and robotic circles as the designer of Furby..."
With CEO cofounder, Bob Christopher:
"An experienced executive leader, Mr., Christopher has contributed to the success of Zentera, Five 9, Circle 24, ValuCircle, Jopari, Mercotel, and NextSport."
etc, yawn...
They say that the robots are so realistic that they had to invent a new word,
We will see the products "effectively blur the distinction between toy, robot and pet..."
Will the product live up to the hype?
Are we dealing with the next 'Ginger' here?
Hopefully we will find out next week.
See the update here
UgobeLabels: pet robot, Pleo