Monday, January 29, 2007

Trial of the Trojan Dog Robot

From online San Jose Mercury News:

On a February weekend visit home from college in 2001, 18-year-old Patrick Hsu noticed an odd toy robot dog that had been mailed in a box weeks earlier. His father had opened the box, then set the contraption aside when he noticed it needed batteries to function. Later, Patrick Hsu placed batteries in the robot -- triggering a hidden bombing device that killed him.

It is not clear exactly the role played by an engineer who is on trial now. He claims that he only mailed the dog and had no knowledge of its murderous intent,

The supposed mastermind of the plot, who was featured on America's Most Wanted, is believed to be in Venezuela. He hatched the scheme for some kind of revenge against an ex-girlfriend or her family or some kind of dumbass excuse.

We just need to remember, folks, robot dogs don't kill people - people do. | 01/29/2007 | Trial begins in '01 bombing

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the story is soo horrifying. Its very hard to believe how can a man kill another that too keeping a bomb inside a toy!!

    Really, its so pathetic.
