Robot cat from
SEGA called 'Near Me'
The marketing genius seller on ebay describes it as "Creepy cat robot"
It is only available retail in Japan for $300-$400 US. This guy is selling it for US $200 plus $98 shipping from Hong Kong.
The robot moves like a lazy cat, makes cat noises and has 7 sensors to make it go. It developes a different personality depending on how it is treated.
Near Me page (Japanese) Includes video near bottom of page.
eBay: SEGA CREEPY CAT ROBOT " NEAR ME "Reminds me of
older NeCoRo from
OMRON. Anyone know the connection?
Yeah, that version is only in japan as near as i can tell. there is a cheaper version that is not quite so lifelike that is avaiable in teh US and canada for about $50. i'd want to look aorund before shelling out that much to be honest.