Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Fire Fighting Robot Contest Results

The 13th Annual Trinity College Fire Fighting Robot contest was held April 8 and 9 at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. The final Prize results were posted today.

While the overall world champion trophy went to a team from Hadera, Isreal, the teams from China dominated most of the contests.

The contest is for a small robot to run through a maze representing a home and extinguish a candle, representing a fire in the house. The maze is about 8 feet square and this year included stairs.
The robots are limited in size to about 12 x 12 inches.
The robots must be completely autonomous.

The contestants are split into 6 divisions: Expert, Senior, High School Entry, High School Entry Level and Junior.

Congratulations to the teams from China for first place in the Expert, High School and Junior divisions.
China also took second and third in Junior and High School divisions.

The China wins are the big story but there obviously were tremendous efforts from many other participants.
Jump to the final results here.

[Picture is from 2005 contest.]

Welcome to the 13th Annual International Fire Fighting Robot Contest

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