Armored Combat Robot
Mesa Robotics' ACER, Amored Combat Engineer Robot, looks like a little monster workhorse.
ACER is a bit larger than a small lawn tractor but has tank treads and weighs 4500 lbs with a 60 hp turbodeisel power plant.

It is amour plated and runs as a semi-autonomous utility vehicle. It can tow - up to 25,000 pounds - and lift up to 1000 pounds.
It can be equipped with buckets, blades, cutters, arms and weapons. Perfect for that big bomb disposal problem or to help out with the weekend projects around the yard.
See the Movie
Innova Holdings' Walt Weisel has recently announced that they will be licensing their controller and motion sensing software to Mesa for their military robots.
Mesa Robotics - ACER
ACER is a bit larger than a small lawn tractor but has tank treads and weighs 4500 lbs with a 60 hp turbodeisel power plant.

It is amour plated and runs as a semi-autonomous utility vehicle. It can tow - up to 25,000 pounds - and lift up to 1000 pounds.
It can be equipped with buckets, blades, cutters, arms and weapons. Perfect for that big bomb disposal problem or to help out with the weekend projects around the yard.
See the Movie
Innova Holdings' Walt Weisel has recently announced that they will be licensing their controller and motion sensing software to Mesa for their military robots.
Mesa Robotics - ACER
More power! grunt grunt grunt
That is so cool
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