Friday, February 10, 2006

Remote Fishing Fun

Stop the presses
"Coden has finally yealized image fishing!"

So if fishing is too much work for you, here is the perfect solution.

Remote controlled fishing boat, called "Kamome" for seagull. Launch your boat and wave good bye as you relax on shore and sip on the beverage of your choice.

This one meter long power boat carries a sonar fish-finder, GPS receiver,temperature sensors and, of course, a reel with baited hook. It detects when it gets a bite and notifies the fisherman via color LCD panel display.

It can remember the locations of 5 of your favorite fishing spots.

Next - a robot to clean the fish.

Coden boat - English


  1. Oh, I forgot -
    With a small amount of modification, like feeding the control panel data to a laptop for recording, you could make your own sonar mapping boat.
    Maybe you could find your own long-lost shipwreck!

  2. With a remote controlled fishing boat, who needs treasure?
